Photo 1: Sophie and the RR team on a brick passing line at the beginning of construction! - Sophie is in the brown pants and navy shirt - covered up for the fierce Cambodian sun!
Photo 2: Sophie (L) and friends helping with basic english in the classroom
Photo 3: Plans for our new structure.
Photo 4: In the early stages.
Photo 5: Ready for plaster.
Photo 6: side view.
As many of you will know, not even 12 months ago when our fundraising evening took place, little did we know how much the community would be behind us in what we were trying to achieve, and the initial goal of raising funds to build some play equipment was well surpassed, then came the dream of maybe raising enough money to build a classroom, that too was surpassed and as you will see the village of Makak now has a brand new building housing two classrooms to add to the existing classroom.
You will see the construction is brick and plaster and I have two bulging photo albums here at home with photo's from the beginning of construction to the stage it is at today. It has been built in brick and not wood as the original structure is, to withstand the intense conditions a cost we were prepared to make to have a structure that would be standing for many years.
There are 166 students attending the school - 95 boys and 71 girls - and at present we are working on new school uniforms for each of them. It was very important to me that as much opportunity for the wider community of Makak was involved - in the building etc, so we have the uniforms being tailored in the village - and I have heard it has been a source of great pride for the children to line up and have their measurements taken ready for their new uniform!
On their shirts will be printed our logo "Kids for Cambodia Charitable Trust" - these are going to be printed on a label here and packed in our suitcases and sewn on when we arrive there....which brings me to the exciting part!
The official opening for the school will be July 21st 2011 which we will be attending - we are all very much looking forward to being there, seeing what has been achieved and meeting with the children that Sophie has told me so much about.
We will be working at the school before the official opening, and hope to have the builders ready to make a playground for the children - things that NZ children take for granted - swings, sandpit etc - Piseth has told me the children will be very excited to have it as they haven't had one before, and I know my 9 year old son is very excited about being part of it all!
We will be taking some time to shop in Siem Reap for back packs - all 166 of them! - to fill with new stationery, pens, pencils - and maybe a few surprises!
I can't imagine what an emotional journey it will be, and what a proud, proud moment of a lifetime we will share and I can say to everyone that has been a part of this by sponsoring, donating, or attending our fundraising evening you can all be proud that you have been a part in changing lives half a world away.
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