The journey begins here.....

Monday, June 20, 2011

On the countdown!

Just 3 weeks to go until we head to Cambodia to open the new school - who would have guessed that 12 months ago almost to the day we will be there and opening the new school - unbelievable!

I have always tried as a mother to teach my children that even as one person you can, if you take the challenge, make a difference - and we know that a difference has and will continue to be made here in the small village of Makak, and in the future in other villages.

I can't comprehend at this point how emotional this journey will be it will be hugely life changing not just for me but for my children.

Once again a huge thank you to everyone who has in the past supported this venture, through attending our charity function through to the "adoption" of one of our toys - every dollar has made a huge difference!

We hope that all our supporters will join in with our new fundraising venture - the publishing of a cookbook - all it takes is an email to me at with your favourite tried and true recipe - we do the rest! All details can be found for this on the left hand side bar under "fundraising cookbook" - please join us and share the link with as many people as you can!

We have such a passion for what we are doing and with our upcoming trip to Cambodia it will be a valuable insight to us on where the true needs are and what best way we can as a Charitable Trust facilitate this.

As those who follow us on Facebook will know 16 very large cartons of sports equipment, toys, backpacks, gifts etc were shipped over last week - and all going to plan - will be there on our arrival ready for us to disperse. Desks and stationery will be purchased upon our arrival and all will be given out on the day of the official opening.

Looking forward to sharing some of the photo's with you so you can all see the results you have helped create!

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